What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
Who might your film secure a distribution deal with?
Having looked into the psychological subgenre some of the films and TV series we analysed were:
- The Shining (Kubrick, 1980)
- Psycho (Hitchcock, 1960)
- Crimson Peak (Toro, 2015)
- The Conjuring (Wan, 2013)
- Død Snø (Wirkola, 2009)
- Shadow People (Arnold, 2013)
- Jordskott (Björn, 2015) [TV Series]
- Arrow Films
- UK Independent
- Established 1991
- Distributor of cult classic horror and drama but also expands to emerging auteurs.
- It is credited with having released :
- Baron Blood (Bava, 1972)
- The Assassin (Petri, 1961)
- The Killing (Kubrick, 1956)
- Zombi 2 (Sacchetti, 1979)

- Curzon Artificial Eye
- UK Independent and Art-house
- Established 1976
- Looking for emerging directors
- Tend to distribute films that break conventions of their specific genre
I consider my work to follow the convention of an independent film, for that reason I think that it is sensible to release it following the style of an independent model. However within the field of independent distribution we can opt between a staggered release or a platform release. Personally having looked into the platform release of A Field In England (Wheatley, 2013) which was unsuccessful, I am persuaded towards a staggered release.
What might be their (distributor's) strategy in connecting your film to an audience?
We could use the following media platforms to reach our target audience:
- Traditional
- Radio
- Posters & billboards
- Television ads
- Word of mouth
- Web 2.0
- Social media e.g. Facebook, Twitter & Instagram allow the option to share pages and statuses to build buzz.
- Pop-up ads
- Personalised remarketing on retail sites
- Interest-based advertising [also known as online behavioural advertising]
- Website
- Blog pages
- Viral videos
Where might your distributor choose to try and exhibit your film?
- Entering festivals such as Sundance and the BFI Future Film Festival [directors between ages of 16-25] gives immediate exposure to industry professionals who may wish to exhibit our media product.
- As we are not a subsidiary to a conglomerate and have no immediate resources we would be looking at independent cinemas such as The Ritzy Picture-house in Brixton.
- Curzon Artificial Eye could make use of cross media convergence to exhibit at the 11 Curzon cinemas within the UK.
- Secret cinema could create an immersive experience for a niche audience.
- Live Q&As at BAFTA or The BFI attract those who would not necessarily be initially attracted to our film.