Tuesday, 26 January 2016

DO'B/JB/EH: Editing Reflection 22/01/2016

After finishing the rough cut, being the group's colour grader, from the 21st-22nd I made significant work on the colour grading of the film opening, with all shots being successfully graded apart from the titles that we have yet to intercut into the sequence.
Using Lumetri Colour on Adobe Premiere CC 2015, I adjusted various attributes of the shots such as contrast, highlights, shadows, saturations, blacks, exposure, temperature and tint to achieve the optimal look which was required.

In many shots I obtained the blue colour wash using the colour wheels in Lumetri, I added blue to the shadows, midtones and highlights in many shots, to make the atmosphere more sinister and cold. Below can be seen various 'before and after' examples of shots with and without the colour grade, which shows the notable difference that it makes.

Today we have mostly been focused on the grade. Although this is not my role, my job today has been to oversee the grading to ensure it is in keeping with the desired aesthetic. Whilst on shoot I had established a theme of blue inspired by Amelie (Jeunet, 2001) which has the stylised look that I admire. As a response to this I considered grading the supermarket shots to accentuate the blue within the scene, once Elliot and Jon had tailored it I had decided that it would be suitable for the scene. I feel that this subtle yet recognisable edit will convince the audience that the blue products in the trolley now bare significance in contrast to the red products carried by the antagonist.

During the grading process today, I setup our timeline so that each clip has their own Lumetri Colour effect - onto which we could apply our desired colour grade. My main role within the grading process with our group was to ensure that all of the technical aspects ran smoothly - including also setting up a secondary monitor onto which we could 'monitor' our video and gain a relatively accurate impression of what the more minor details looked like, as our primary monitor was being used for the timeline and Lumetri Colour controls.


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