Throughout our shoot we were considering what would accompany the video, we experimented with different variations of diegetic and non-diegetic sound to create an immersive soundtrack. Our use of sound bridging tied the scenes together to create a tense atmosphere. The process of adding sound to our production was comprised of 3 sections.
- The first stage involved finding sound that was uncopyrighted. We resorted to the popular website We selected audio specific to our genre and imported any tracks we planned to use.
- The second stage required that we cut the tracks to fit specific scenes in our short, once this had been done we discarded any audio we didn't need and began to modulate any audio that could be improved.
- The final stage consisted of taking our audio files and importing them into Premiere Pro. From that we put them in place and performed any necessary edits to the sound (e.g. pitch and tempo). Finally we locked the tracks with the shots they correlate to in order to be able to move shots around and ensure that audio wouldn't be lost.

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