We screened to the class an updated version of our film opening, which now includes full colour grading and sound.
-Very good diegetic sound, more realism
-Colour grading good, pop in supermarket and blue of car
-Premonition is more clear, especially with the radio in her mind
To improve:
-Shot potentially needed of Fleur walking away and no-one there after the vision, a lot going on
-Door slamming strange, sounds like 2 doors at once
-POV goes on too long, integrate with titles
Teacher constructive criticism:
-Freezer hum needs to be added to titles - amplified and invading
-Start more zoomed in to eye at the end, and zoom slightly out
-Shot in tunnel a bit grainy?
-Vision needs to be shorter and more intense - get rid of spinning clip
-The title of the film needs to be included: -Receipt
-Aisle sign
-Titles shot first
-Include notable names of directors and actors on the titles sequence with the panning of labels if there isn't enough time, include others overlaid on top.
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