Wednesday, 6 January 2016

JB: 02/01/2016 Film Shoot Reflection

On January 2nd 2016, myself, Elliot, Dylan and Fleur (our actress) shot our footage across the three locations that we had previously chosen - Dunton Green Station, Elliot’s House and Tesco Riverhead between 15:00 and 00:30.
Due to complications with the schedule of Phoebe, our initial actor, we utilised the skills of Fleur (another student in our year group) for her role instead.

My focus during the shoot was to consider the technical aspects of each shot, which camera would be most appropriate, and to conduct the majority of the filming - with occasional assistance from Elliot.
Currently, I am most pleased with both some of the shots in the supermarket, and in particular, our close up eye shot. This was particularly difficult to film and required multiple takes in order to get Fleur’s eye in focus, however after a small amount of grading I was very happy with the initial look of the shot!

Jon TESTING.00_01_33_18.Still001.jpg


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